The front door view
into the master bath area
(I didn't quite get the before picture soon enough for a "before" shot)
The new and improved view from the front door. If it doesn't look like the same house it's because we took out the wall which separated the living room from the family room. We also raised up the sunken living room floor so it could all be level.
And last but certainly NOT least because I love it...
our mudroom, coming in from the garage. It's where the washer and dryer used to be, which is now in the master bath area. They have their own closet.
having the washer and dryer in my room,
a place just inside the door for everybody's stuff,
having a big kitchen table area at which our family can all sit comfortably (before it was tiny!)
having a larger, more spread out family room,
the spacious feel that our new and improved house now provides!
It was a gruelling 6 weeks, much harder than anticipated. And I must say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to my 3 sisters-in-law who helped many times to watch my kids while I worked. And to a few of my good friends who also helped me. I could not have made it through without your help. And inspite of the fact that Keith was and is gone OFTEN, the key days he took off to be here and work were so helpful to me. Some days I just didn't think I could go through it anymore. My parents also came over a couple of days and painted and cleaned which was so great! And to Dan, my brother-in-law who is a general contractor and did the majority of the work, Thanks for your diligence and hard work! The end result ... just right!