Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hunter and Spencer making their moves in the pool!

Our crazy kids think because it's hot out, it's time to swim. Surprisingly, they did not begin to cry when they SUBMERGED (well, Tyler did - I had to rescue him quick). You guys sure have some cool moves Hunter and Spencer!
They swam for probably 10 minutes, before I made them get out! I was too cold just watching them! Our boys are much braver than I!


Jessica said...

I can't believe them! They are CRazy!

Sarah said...

Oh that makes me shiver just looking at that icy water. Our kids have been begging to swim too. I guess I'm not as nice as you are!

We are Arizona wimps, I guess!

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious! Spencer started in on the Grandma bit when Paula Johnson walked by and she couldn't figure out what was going on. It was so funny, Spencer just thought it was hilarious as so did I. Thanks for you sharing.

KP said...

Our kids & my hubby can't wait until the pool makeover is done so they can do the same next weekend. They are crazy! Although, the stimulation may have some health benefits..

jenae nae said...

this is just wrong- wrong wrong- it is 50 below zero here and i am violent....missing the arizona days of sun and fun! how are you???

Ben said...
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Ben said...

It's very enjoyable to see how your family is doing. What a fun blog! You guys look great and really happy, too. :) Here's our family blog:
It would be great to catch up sometime. I'd love to get updates on your whole family.

Ben said...

Thanks for your comments. :)

I do keep in touch with lots of friends from the Phoenix North Stake. We've been surprised that you and Jenn haven't shown up on facebook yet.

My e-mail address is Send me a message, and I'll send you contact info for people that I am still in contact with.

Did you say Jenn has a blog?